Mathematics and Numeracy
The following page provides information on the coverage of skills taught within mathematics and numeracy for the Spring Term. These are:
Fractions and Percentages |
Demonstrate my understanding that non-integer quantities can be represented using fractions (including fractions greater than 1), decimals and percentages. I can use my knowledge of equivalence to compare the size of simple fractions, decimals and percentages and I can convert between representations. |
Using the four operations: add/subtract/multiply/divide |
Use the four arithmetic operations confidently, efficiently and accurately with integers and decimals. |
Multiplication and Division |
Revise multiplication facts up to 10 x 10, use corresponding division facts, use appropriate multiplication and division strategies to solve problems. Develop fluency to recall multiplication facts up to at least 10 x 10 and use these to derive related facts. |
Statistics represent data |
Collect different types of data to answer a variety of questions that have been posed, demonstrating an understanding of the importance of collecting relevant data. Represent information by creating a variety of appropriate charts of increasing complexity, including tally charts, frequency tables, bar graphs and line graphs. Use different scales to extract and interpret information from a range of diagrams, tables and graphs, including pie charts with simple fractions and proportions. I can recognise any trends that are seen. |
Measurement |
Read analogue and digital clocks accurately, and I can make interpretations and perform calculations involving time. Estimate and measure length, capacity, mass, temperature and time, using appropriate standard units. |
Averages |
Find the Mean, Median, Mode and Range. Find and use the mean of a simple set of data to explain how the statistics do, or do not, support an argument. I can recognise how anomalies affect the mean. |
Pupils are challenged every week to improve their fluency in integral number skills such as multiplication and addition facts. Here is an example of the Year Six Big Maths Challenge. Pupils are encouraged to use the habit 'Get it Right!' to improve their scores and time. Here is an example below: