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Cardiff Partnership

What is the Cardiff Partnership?

The Cardiff Partnership for Initial Teacher Education is an alliance between Cardiff Metropolitan University and its associated partner schools, working in collaboration with University of Oxford, Cardiff University, Central South Consortium, Education Achievement Service, and City of Cardiff Council.

Danescourt Primary School is a Lead School in The Cardiff Partnership for Initial Teacher Education, working closely with Cardiff Metropolitan University and its other partner schools to ensure that the next generation of teachers is the very best that it can be.

Through Clinical Practice placements and School-Led Training Days, student teachers have access to high-quality mentorship and first-hand observation and experience of how theory works in practice.

Our involvement with the Partnership is mutually beneficial and supporting those whose ambition is to enter into the teaching profession further consolidates our commitment to staying abreast of the latest learning theory and pedagogical practice. 

"The Cardiff Partnership for Initial Teacher Education provides our students with the opportunity to work in some of our strongest schools. Our students are exceptionally well-supported by our staff at Cardiff Met and in our partner schools."
Julia Longville, Dean of Cardiff School of Education and Social Policy